Do you operate a furnace to heat your home in Mountain City, GA, during the winter? Most homeowners do. There might be a time when your furnace experiences a problem and you need to decide whether to repair or replace it. Read on to learn if a furnace repair or replacement is the most cost-effective solution for your heating troubles.

Furnace Repair

There are many variables to consider when debating whether to repair or replace your furnace. The first is the age of the heating system. This will determine if the repair is worth the money or if a replacement is a better investment. If your furnace is close to or older than 20 years old, it’s best to purchase a new heating system if possible.

If you have a relatively young furnace, consider the average cost of these repairs:

Minor furnace repairs include:

  • Ignitor replacements: Can last up to 15 years and cost $300.
  • Pressure switch replacements: Can last at least 10 years and cost $250.
  • Sequencer replacements: Can last up to 15 years and cost $300.
  • Transformer replacements: Can last as long as the furnace and cost $400.

Major furnace repairs include:

  • Gas valve replacements: Can last as long as the furnace and cost up to $1000.
  • Circuit board replacements: Can last 10-20 years and cost up to $1100.
  • Inducer motor replacements: Can last 12-15 years and cost $800.
  • Blower motor replacements: Can last 10-12 years and cost up to $700.
  • Variable-speed motor replacements: Can last as long as the furnace and cost up to $2000
  • Heat exchanger repairs and replacements: Can last up to 20 years and cost $1000-$2000

Furnace Replacement

Comparing these average furnace repair costs, the price of a new heating system and your budget will help you decide which option is best for your specific situation. If you need help, Radlee Heating and Cooling is here to guide you through the process. We’ll handle your furnace repair or replacement with the utmost professionalism.

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