Few things are worse than to learn that your furnace in Clayton, GA, won’t start while winter is fast approaching. Thankfully, since it’s still the fall season, homeowners who experience this problem will have time to take action. Here are a few reasons your furnace may be unable to start up.

Thermostat Problems

One possible explanation for your furnace’s failure to start may have nothing to do with your furnace at all. Instead, the problem may lie with your thermostat.

Perhaps your thermostat isn’t working and can’t send the necessary signals to turn on your furnace. This may happen because its sensors are unable to read the surrounding temperature correctly or because the circuitry and electrical wiring simply won’t convey the proper signals to your furnace.

However, a simpler explanation may be that the settings on your thermostat are incorrect. Perhaps the temperature at which you’ve programmed the device to turn on your heating system is either too high or too low.

Airflow Obstructions

If anything obstructs airflow through your furnace, the hot air that your system generates may remain stuck. This can cause your furnace to overheat, forcing it to shut down. It may not start until it cools down again.

A dirty filter is the most prominent reason for weak airflow. Remember to change your furnace’s filter at least once every three months.

Mechanical Issues

Finally, a wide range of mechanical issues may keep your furnace from working. For example, its heat exchanger may have cracks or rust, its blower motor may cease to work and gas may not flow through its pilot light orifice. Annual maintenance may prevent some of these issues from arising in the first place, but only repairs can take care of them after they appear.

If it can’t turn on, your furnace is useless. No homeowner in Clayton, GA, can tolerate such behavior. To get things back on the right track, call Radlee Heating and Cooling to schedule our furnace repair services today.

Image provided by iStock

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